Mattssons Nyhet Klimatkammare Jan Kortelainen

Climate Chamber - Quality Assurance and Product Development

Jan Kortelainen is the Quality & Environment Manager at Mattssons in Anderstorp and has many years of experience in areas such as quality, product development, and corrosion testing in climate chambers.

What is a climate chamber and what does it do?
In a climate chamber, we conduct corrosion tests where we expose a product assembly to various challenging climates. During a cycle, temperature, humidity, and condensation are controlled, and salt spray is also added. This is done to see how a product assembly reacts and to determine its lifespan. All our tests are conducted in accordance with ISO 9227.



Why conduct corrosion tests?
It's an efficient, detailed, and reliable way to see how different materials and surface treatments perform against each other. When introducing new standards and surface treatments, these tests become very valuable to ensure any impact on the customer's assembly. The tests can also help reduce product development time, allowing the customer to bring their final product to market faster.



Can the simulated climate be translated to real-life conditions?
A corrosion test is usually performed against some form of standard or requirement set by the supplier or customer. Based on that, along with the test results, it’s possible to determine which combination of material and surface treatment performs best. This provides a foundation for how the material will behave in real-world environments.


How do you proceed if you want help with a corrosion test?
Whether you just need help with a corrosion test or the entire product development process, we can assist you. We have an R&D department with product experts who can handle the entire process of your product development.

Climate chamber tests are also offered as an external service.
If you need to perform a test in a climate chamber, feel free to contact me for more information and a quote.




Jan Kortelainen
Quality and Environment Manager
+46 371-890 21

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