WebTrade guide
This guide provides and overview of the WebTrade Portal and information about how to use the services. WebTrade provides a complete overview of your assembly components. You can monitor and manage your inventory via the internet and place orders 24-hours a day.
With centralised planning for forecasts, logistics and call-off orders, you can minimise duplicate storage, achieve a better overview and faster handling at a lower cost. WebTrade is a completely free-standing supply solution and an excellent complement to our Point & Refill service.

Displays the items in the printed catalogues that are available immediately from the warehouse. You can see the names, prices, and technical specifications. Items that are scheduled or reserved for other customers are not shown.

Expands on the functions in the Fastener Catalogue but displays more items, your own special items and additional surface treatments. You have expanded options for ordering, order overview, and much more.

As a registered WebTrade customer, it is easy to upgrade services. There are a number of special services in addition to the Fastener Catalogue and the Enterprise Package. You get expanded access to all functions and can take advantage of a host of extra services depending on your needs.